Video Editing can be understood by curiosity & questioning.
If I see a video & imagine it as a long strip like the below video, I can see different parts of videos are merged together & it has made a video.
Now, whenever you see a video, don’t just watch it. Observe carefully.
You have learned everything from your childhood by using observation.
So, your observation will help you understand video editing better. Use your imagination here, imagine any of your watched videos & try to look at it from the starting & observe what changes are being done?
For example, video footage could be changed, transitions would be added, effects would be applied and so on.
One more thing to understand something is to visualize its building blocks. For example, here I have shown you the making of a chair.
You can easily observe how a chair is being made. Likewise, you can visualize how the video is being made. When you use your logic with imagination, you get a lot of possibilities & ideas for creating something new.
I have shown you a simplest video that shows all the steps mentioned above.
So, if you want to understand Video Editing, you will have to use your imagination with curiosity. You will have to use imagination so that you can create infinite possibilities.
Once you understand how to visualize a video & edit it in your imagination, you will be able to make any kind of videos or movies inside your mind. You will also understand how you can make that imaginary video into reality step by step.
If you want to get a guide on Video Editing, I have recommended you two books to explore the concepts in detail:
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